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Big thinking about retirement: Do you dare to be outrageous?

17/52 - A Midsummer Night's Dream


Start thinking big about retirement.

Conventional thinking hanicaps people throughout their lives. It’s no different in retirement. Do you want your retirement planning to follow the herd or take the road less traveled. Unique retirement planning takes you away from conventional thinking and into the world of big retirement dreams. For some, it is hard to accept that big retirement dreams are possible. When they dream big, they don’t believe and it is belief that makes dreams possible. Getting yourself past the idea that dreams are only fantasy is the first step to living a dream lifestyle. Maybe you never let yourself believe before but retirement gives you an opportunity to break free of the limits you imposed on yourself. Don’t settle for an ordinatry retirement when with some unique retirement planning, your retirement can be outrageous.

You life up to now doesn’t define you

The first step in lifestyle design is belief. You have to be convinced beyond doubt that you can design your perfect lifestyle and that you have the power to make it happen. This is probably the most difficult step of all, particularly if you have spent 20 years or more letting someone else define your lifestyle. I f you ever had dreams of a perfect lifestyle by retirement they are buried and forgotten. It is hard at midlife or beyond to hope and dream. You have settled for a life of limitations and dependence. You have forgotten the power that the dreams of your youth possessed. You have discounted your youthful enthusiasm and optimism. Even worse, you probably don’t know anyone who is even thinking about taking charge of their life. You need help.

Don’t give up on yourself!

If this is you, then read on. There are other people like you who still have the dream of changing their life. More important there are people who are making it happen. Age is not an issue. Education is not an issue. Personality is not an issue. Money is not an issue. All that really matters is that you believe that it can happen for you. At this point you don’t even need to have a detailed plan for your life. This will come later so long as you believe that you can.

What if?

It is hard after a lifetime of limitation to begin big thinking about retirement. Maybe you believe that the price tag that your boss has placed on you is correct. You don’t believe that you have anything else to give and that your value is limited. Stop and ask yourself, what if? If you have enough belief to read this post, then you have enough belief to persue your big retirement dreams. Answer, what if to any question you have and then telling yourself ‘why not?’ If you start down a challenging path doesn’t each hill you climb make you stronger? Then just decide to start. Make yourself a big retirement thinker

Change your thinking.

A big help in changing your thinking about retirement possibilities is from reading. Start your adventure by training your mind to think differently. Start a reading program to change your thinking. The book I recommend first is The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz .  Get a copy and start to believe you can.



{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Banjo Steve May 2, 2011, 5:13 pm

    As a puppeteer, does that mean I can be accused of thinking small? :0

    Keep up the good/outrageous work, Ralph.

  • Ralph May 3, 2011, 5:56 am

    Banjo Steve,
    Not by me.

  • Bill Birnbaum May 4, 2011, 6:31 am

    When Wendy and I retired, we went totally outside the box. We sold our home, put everything we owned in storage and purchased one-way airline tickets to Arequipa, Peru. We then searched for, and found, volunteer opportunities in a poor community in the Peruvian Andes. Bill
    Bill Birnbaum’s last Blog Post ..Celebrating Stories of Life’s Adventures

  • Ralph May 4, 2011, 6:55 am

    I’d read on your blog about working in Peru but I never understood the details. It sounds like quite a story. Probably make a good book. I think that you definitely dared to be outrageous.

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