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Healthy Aging- You need potassium


Image via Wikipedia

Recently Men’s Health listed five essential nutrients that man don’t get enough of. One of those was potassium. It is readily available from natural sources but still many men don’t get enough.

What is potassium?

Potassium is an essential mineral and electrolyte. Good health requires that there be the correct level of potassium with either too much or too little potassium causing health issues. These days, it is much more likely that diets contain too little potassium than too much.

Why is it important?

One of the functions of potassium is to maintain the membrane potential for the cells in the body. Maintaining the correct balance between the higher sodium levels outside the cells and the higher potassium levels indie them. Tight control of these membranes is critical for nerve impulse transmissions, muscle contractions and the proper functioning of the heart.

What are the natural sources?

Potassium is found in many food sources, particularly fruits and vegetables. A normal traditional diet will provide adequate amounts of potassium. Diets high in processed foods may be deficient. Because there are so many foods rich in potassium, it isn’t hard to find enough foods to supply potassium from diet alone.

How much do I need?

The dosage for adult males and females is 4,700 mg per day. Checking the list of potassium rich foods and making sure that they are part of your diet will normally ensure that potassium is not a problem. Since both too much (hyperkalemia) and too little (hypokalemia) can have serious health impacts, supplementation should only be considered when recommended by a doctor.

Do medical conditions affect potassium levels?

Alcoholism, excessive use of laxatives, vomiting can contribute to insufficient potassium levels.

In addition there is evidence that insufficient potassium can contribute to the incidence of strokes, kidney stones and osteoporosis and may affect high blood pressure.

Older people should talk to their doctors about potassium levels because of the interaction between many medications and potassium.


{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Hansi May 4, 2011, 5:22 am

    I’m with ya on the need for potassium. And try to eat a banana a day, along with as many fruits and veggies as I can.
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..Virtual Love Fest

  • Ralph May 4, 2011, 6:55 am

    Good for you.

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