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Stop hesitating and do it.

Tandem in freefall over Chicagoland Skydiving ...

Image via Wikipedia

If you want it, do it.

I try to set an example for myself about living what I say. It is a continuing struggle. It is so much easier to know what to do than to actually do it. And it’s even even easier to know what somebody else should do than yourself. My humanity is never more apparent than when I say I want to accomplish something or experience something and then never manage to make it happen

I can’t explain or justify this because I really do want to do things – someday. But each day I can manage to find a reason to put them off. Part of the problem is inertia- the day to day routines of life that somehow seem important when they are nothing more than a habit. It’s easier to fall into a pattern than to strike out on a new path and direction. Since I never actually say no to those activities, it doesn’t seem like a problem to defer action until later. But the truth is different.

Hesitation is just like saying no!

Saying “Not today” to those activities that take you into new territory is the same as saying no and the deferral becomes a patten in itself. It is a constant effort for me to make myself move into new territory. I have to set aside the time and schedule the activity to get things moving. Right now there a several things that I promised my wife we would do and they have yet to happen. Those are on my list to schedule today but now I have some inspiration to help me appreciate the value of taking action and breaking my boring routine. Last week, my wife went skydiving.

She has talked about this for several years. I don’t want to join her but I never tried to discourage her and even though I thought from time to time that I might buy her a skydive as a present, I did nothing. Well, last week, she decided that it was never going to happen unless she took action so she visited a sky diving school and set up an appointment for her first jump. It messed up my routine but last week, we both went to the airport and my gutsy wife made her first jump.

It all went very smoothly. She loved the jump and is eager to do it again. I’m even considering joining her the next time. The point of this is not skydiving, however. The point is taking action and how lucky I am to have a partner who is serious about her life.

Do it now!

So the message I want to deliver today is to grab onto the things you want to experience in your life and take the necessary steps to make them happen. Don’t defer or hesitate. Your routine will always be there. You don’t have to worry about losing it. What you will lose is the experience of new things and the excitement they can add to your life. Don’t defer what you want. Grab it now.



{ 7 comments… add one }
  • hansi July 23, 2011, 6:56 am

    Wow Ralph, that was really something adventurous that the wife did; and with your encouragement. You’re such a nice guy; even let her use a parachute too 🙂
    hansi’s last Blog Post ..Workers Paradise

    • Ralph July 24, 2011, 8:29 am

      You are married so I know that you will understand that my being a good guy gets very little credit for this adventure. When the wife decides to do something, it gets done. It’s the least I can do. I have to confess that I wasn’t very encouraging here because jumping out of a plane at 13,000 feet was just not on my list. After watching how much she enjoyed the experience, however, I am reconsidering. You don’t know what you don’t know.

  • Bill Murney July 26, 2011, 12:56 am

    Ralph, that’s brilliant, tell your wife from me that I think she’s a star. I am not sure I would have the guts to do that myself so I take my hat off to her.

    If you are considering a jump yourself then go for it, I’m sure you won’t regret it. My daughter did one in Australia some years ago.

    A-U-L, UK
    Bill Murney’s last Blog Post ..The Bucket List

    • Ralph July 26, 2011, 8:21 am

      My wife is indeed a star. She is actively putting her stamp on our retirement lifestyle and pushing me when she thinks I am holding back. A team can pull way more weight than a single horse.

  • Bob@CantankerousOldCoots August 17, 2011, 5:50 pm

    Damn…good for here! There might be a tramp steamer trip in y’alls future yet.

    While I DO aplaud her adventurousness, I would have picked a different adventure. I’m an Air Force brat and have an Air Force ‘tude about ‘chutes…they are emergency equipment only…no need to jump out of a perfectly good airplane…
    Bob@CantankerousOldCoots’s last Blog Post ..8.15 Live streaming podcast! The Political Coot

    • Ralph August 18, 2011, 6:17 am

      These days, I find myself on the defensive after complaining for years that my wife won’t ………. this or that. She still won’t take a road trip, go to a concert or play or hike. But she will jump out of an airplane and give me gas about why I won’t join her.

  • Bob@CommonSenseConversation August 18, 2011, 6:23 am

    Depending on your feelings about jumping out of airplanes, you could propose a trade. You’ll jump ot of a plane with her if she’ll take a tramp steamer to Costa Rica or Belize with you..
    Bob@CommonSenseConversation’s last Blog Post ..8.15 New! uStream live!

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