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Site Visitor Report for August 2010

No Growth in Readers or Returning Readers

August has been stable. With the work or keywords and greater focus on the niche topic of retirement lifestlye planning, this is disappointing. The goal is to build a greater number of returning visitors from the search engine traffic. Returning visitors are not growing and in fact dropped again in August to 8 per day.

Is Branding the problem?

I think that it is too early to conclude anything here  about content but a recent post on David Risley’s Blog suggests a possible problem with branding. David says that bloggers ought to be able to figure out who you are and what your blog is about quickly or they will move on. Using my name for the blog may be ok but I need to have a good byline that clues new readers in about what the blog is about. Mine is ‘Finishing Strong’ which means something to me but is cryptic to new readers.

September Goal – Focus on the byline

My goal for the month is to create a better byline. If you are one of my returning readers and you have some suggestions, please share them. What brings you back to Ralph Carlson Blog and what should the byline be to make that clear to new readers. I appreciate you and my goal is to continue providing value but sometimes it is hard to see clearly in the middle of the action.

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