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Senior Health – Zinc supports your immune system

Oysters, opened, ready for consumption, raw
Image via Wikipedia

Most adults are slightly zinc deficient

You probably need more!  Zinc is found in almost every cell of the human body. It supports a healthy immune system, wound healing and promote the senses of taste and smell. Besides maintaining the immune system, zinc  can also reduce an enlarged prostate. Most adults do not get enough zinc from their diets and this is especially true for seniors who may not absorb zinc as efficiently as younger people.  Vegetarians are probably zinc deficient because some plant based foods block zinc absorbtion and beef is one of  the riches sources of zinc.  Oysters are also a good source of zinc.  The RDA for zinc is 11 mg per day for males and 8 mg per day for females.

Higher zinc dosage  may be necessary for seniors.

For individuals over 65 there is no recommendation for higher doses although average zinc intake tends to be lower than the RDA and there are several circumstances which might decrease an older person’s ability to absorb zinc from the diet:

1. Aging individuals may not absorb zinc as readily as younger individuals

2. Aging individuals may suffer more frequent occurrences of diseases which change zinc utilization.

3. Aging individuals my have increased usage of drugs which increase zinc excretion and cause mild zinc deficiency.

4. Vegetarians may need supplementation because zinc absorption is lower from plant sources than from animal ones.

So you can see that there are many reasons to suspect that supplementation for zinc is essential for good health especially as you age.  Zinc deficiency of even a small degree can affect the immune system and loss of zinc from biological membranes can contribute to increased damage from oxidation. Because zinc is so important to good health and inexpensive, there is no reason not to supplement.

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Ken Sage September 10, 2010, 1:35 am

    I totally agree that most of us are Zinc deficient. That is why there are cough drops that contain Vitamin C and Zinc. Those do seem to help reduce cold and flu symptoms.

    Zinc is not the only nutrient required for optimum prostate health. Many have recommended Saw Palmetto too. Ideally though we believe that a herbal supplement specifically designed for healthy prostates is the best way to go.

    I hope you and your readers will take the time to read the information on our site including the testimonials from from men with increased prostate health and bladder control, from men with increased sexual stamina, libido, and erection and from Health Care Professionals.
    Ken Sage’s last Blog Post ..Better Man Now

    • Ralph September 10, 2010, 8:01 am

      Thanks for adding information to this post. I have stopped using saw palmetto when I heard that zinc had the same effect on the prostate and provided additional benefits. Is there any reason to change back?

  • Bill Murney September 14, 2011, 10:24 am

    Ralph, as a sufferer from enlarged prostate, I will investigate the benefits of zinc and also have a look at Ken’s site. Thanks for that.

    Bill Murney’s last Blog Post ..Pat Condell For Prime Minister

  • hansi September 17, 2011, 6:55 am

    Some really good advice. I take a zinc supplement daily and my prostate is just fine…well maybe a little lazy and un-motivated.
    hansi’s last Blog Post ..Hansi’s Last Hallucination

  • Elise June 7, 2012, 2:48 pm

    Seen here above is a food via the sea. Seafood mainly offers zinc. People are not used to seafood, this is alarming since these ones are rich in zinc. Deficient in zinc leads to eczema for a sample. Lots of problems when being deficient to certain key vitamins needed for our body.
    Elise’s last Blog Post ..acne treatment with zinc

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