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Proactive – I hate that word!

Ette Lemmings?
Image by Ric e Ette via Flickr

Lifestyle design is personal.

It has to be built upon your feelings, your needs and most of all your passion.  It isn’t something that anyone can create for you or plug you into a cookie cutter model.  That is why the models you used in the business environment are poor choices when you create your lifestyle design, particularly if you are retired.  The buzzwords may have seemed to hold meaning in the workplace but they were mostly a cover for manipulation and coercion.  The word proactive is a good example.  Consultants urge proactivity but when you did deeper, the word is a meaningless con job.

But surely you want to be proactive

I have probably spent too much time in business meetings in my lifetime, attended too many business conferences, read too many corporate mission statements and written too many personal development plans over my career but I convulse when ever I hear the word proactive.

You know, the opposite of antiactive.

I can’t remember when I first heard the term. At first it must have seemed fresh and positive. It must have brought a new perspective to the whole world of personal development and business. Take the word apart and we find pro meaning positive and forward looking and active meaning not inert. Put it together and it means acting in a positive fashion. So what distinguishes PRO active from just plain active?

Not just any old action!

My first thought is that it must be the direction of the action. Pro-action is moving forward where action might go in any direction. So it means more than just taking action. You must take special, forward moving action. So if that is true what about the times when you catch yourself going in the wrong direction and you immediately change course, maybe going backwards or sideways from the direction you were originally going. What kind of action is that? RE action or maybe RETRO action? I don’t know.

The secret ingredient is…..

When we are urged to be proactive, what are they trying to tell us? What is the special message about what we are doing? They want us to act; to do something but how is our action different from just plain action? What is the additive to the action that makes it PRO action? What is the secret ingredient?

It is self-hypnosis.

From my years of doing my best to be a productive employee, PRO is a code word for buy in to whatever the consultant or the corporate manager is hawking. It is a way to set up a Pavlovian response to make the listener choose to do what the speaker says. It is so much more effective than telling us what to do because we resist direct instructions. We do want to be Proactive however so it the speaker tells us that X is proactive and that we should be Proactive, then we, eager little lemmings will decide to do X all on our own – because we are Proactive. We feel good because we are proactive and because we are proactive we do X. We become mindless followers. It is a code word to hypnotize ourselves.

Proactive or anti-lemming, you decide.

So that is why I am repulsed by the word proactive. Instead of urging us to think about our actions and take charge, it tricks us into accepting whatever the speaker is advocating. It triggers an unconditional response to accept the recommendation and act, without questioning the value of the recommendation.  Stop being proactive and start thinking for yourself!

{ 12 comments… add one }
  • Karen March 10, 2010, 6:58 pm

    Hi Ralph,

    I can see how strongly you feel about the word, but I’m just the opposite – I love the word proactive 🙂 To me, proactive means being in charge and not waiting for anyone else to make the change or do the thing you need to do. It’s energizing, to me at least. Being proactive means that I am not relying on anyone else for anything in my life. Hmm, interesting viewpoints here 🙂

    .-= Karen´s last blog ..One Sure-Fire Way You Can Start Your Emergency Fund Today =-.

  • Ralph March 10, 2010, 9:04 pm

    Thanks for providing the counterpoint. I do get worked up over this word and perhaps miss the value that it might have for others. If it works for you then by all means use it. I’ve been suckered too many times by the flavor of the month management trends over the years- and they all use proactive.

  • Dave Doolin March 10, 2010, 11:27 pm

    I’m with you Ralph, snookered too many times!
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..Maintain Draft Queue with Practical WordPress Tips 1 – 12 =-.

  • Steve Scott Site March 11, 2010, 7:22 am

    Ralph…Like the Lemming comment. Fortunately I managed to avoid spending too long in a corporate environment. It seems like an environment that specializes in using fancy words to sound intelligent.

    I believe in being proactive. But more towards the stuff I want in life. Not what others think I should want. (It beats being inactive)
    .-= Steve Scott Site´s last blog ..Embark on Your Hero’s Journey =-.

  • Ralph March 11, 2010, 9:21 am

    I knew I wasn’t alone.

  • Ralph March 11, 2010, 9:22 am

    You should hang with Karen and give proactive a real workout.

  • Ryan Hanzel March 11, 2010, 11:30 am


    I never thought of proactive in any other way, thanks for the enlightenment since it is used in my work place everyday to make me a good lemming 😀
    .-= Ryan Hanzel´s last blog ..Social Media changed my life =-.

  • Ralph March 11, 2010, 11:44 am

    Workplaces love lemmings.

  • Banjo Steve March 14, 2011, 12:30 pm

    Context is everything. At work, being proactive generally implies MORE work. Something MORE to do (the efficiency argument may or may not actually materialize).

    In retirement, it’s more dealing with initiating or maintaining a passion (as a part time performer, i search out good, new tunes that will make my sharing more fun for all). Or health wise, being proactive is preventative in nature (as in exercise and diet) because one WANTS to be feeling good.

    But I can surely understand the aversion (anywhere) when someone (especially a boss – or spouse) frequently waves that term in your face.

    I’ve also heard fun rants on the term “empowerment”. 🙂

    • Ralph March 14, 2011, 1:14 pm

      Banjo Steve,
      Proactive means doing what THEY want you to do. I guess maybe you can be proactive when you are calling the shots but for the the term is ruined. Share those rants on empowerment. I’m sure i would eat them up too.

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