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Outrageous Retirement:Picking up the pieces

It isn’t easy being outrageous!


Outrageous! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Nobody ever said that outrageous retirement lifestyles are easy but sometimes you have to do a thing in the wrong way or not at all. Taking an outrageous trip creates problems. It disrupts the schedule of work activities both before and after but a much more serious problem is that is messes with your mind.

As I already confessed, we didn’t do the Venice trip right. It should have happened after pulling off something big. Instead, we scheduled it nearly a year ago to prove that we could still be in the game at our advanced ages. At that time, my product was hardly a wisp of an idea with no schedule or reality. We couldn’t have known that I would be ready to put it all together just at the time we would be leaving for Venice. To use our frequent flier miles and lock the apartment we made our reservations six months ago.

Life Happens!

So when the trip finally rolled around, I was just getting into the groove.

Now, I am still struggling to pick up all the pieces and get my mind back in the game. It is coming back but I probably lost a month or more from completion. Looking back, I wouldn’t have changed our plans. We didn’t want to hit Venice in the tourist season and we needed to get some adventure going while we still have the energy.

 Outrageous lifestyles don’t follow the rules.

I think my point is that you can’t always do everything right. The stars don’t always line up when you want them to and you have to take opportunities when they appear. So maybe I’m just rationalizing about our capricious decision to pick up and take a trip but I don’t think so.

I’ll get back into the groove and I have wonderful memories of our trip to inspire me for the next one. I like the idea of following some rules like earning the trip before taking it but this trip just had to happen now.

Am I alone?

I’m sure that I’m not the only person who sometimes takes things out of sequence, messes up plans and then puts things back together. Life just doesn’t always follow the rules and sometimes you just have to grab something when it becomes available. If you’ve even grabbed yourself a treat and messed up your life routine as a result, I’d like to know about it. How did it work out?

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Hansi April 3, 2012, 6:07 am

    Seems like even in retirement, we creatures of habit want routines. But routines are just comfort zones that sometimes keep us in ruts. Life gets “outrageous” when we step outside those routines.
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..Hansi’s My Name, Hallucinating’s My Game

  • Ralph April 3, 2012, 11:45 am

    That comfort zone seems so ideal but it doesn’t keep me from dreaming and those dreams happen outside the zone. It’s tough.

  • Crysstal April 10, 2012, 1:55 am

    Hi…I really learned something from your post and I am happy that you can inspire a lot of people here…
    Crysstal’s last Blog Post ..Getting a Job Online

  • Ralph April 10, 2012, 3:19 pm

    I’d like to be an inspiration but I am just an old guy trying to make something out of my life before it is too late. Stay tuned.

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