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More about Facebook:It’s for business too!

Facebook is for everyone.

Many people today don’t take Facebook seriously. Because of the trivial and negative postings that some people make, they disparage Facebook and the people who use it. I think that is a mistake because Facebook provides real value as a way to keep connected with friends and family. I have long been an advocate of Facebook as a place to keep connected with friends, family and associates over time and distance. For example, I have relationships with old friends from high school and made some new ones to boot.  Just because some people use Facebook in ways that damage their reputations doesn’t diminish its value for others. Responsible people can get real benefits from Social Media and Facebook in particular. I think everybody should be using it.


Not everyone agrees!

Some people still discount Facebook and Social Media as trivial and won’t join. They think that Facebook connections are trivial. They won’t settle for anything less than a ‘real‘ face to face relationships. If that’s the way they feel, so be it. For me, they lose but it is their life. They can live it as they choose. That is just one side of Facebook, however.

 There is also Facebook for business.

Lately, I have been learning that other side of Facebook. I am using it to promote and build my business. I still have my personal homepage with my personal friends and likes but I have a business presence on Facebook as well. I just created a fan page which will be the focal point of my business activity. I am learning how to use my business persona in the Facebook community to promote business activities and relationships. Business depends on relationships just as much as individuals do and Facebook has provided a perfect platform to manage them. Facebook is just another tool to establish credibility and provide value for businesses as well as individuals.

My page is a work in progress while I install the missing the bells and whistles that will make it more effective. The hardest part of any activity is the start. So I have started. As I learn more, it will become a resource to link the various business activities together.

But wait, there’s more.

The other facet of Facebook that I am learning is Facebook advertising. Facebook ads are those snippets of text and image on the right side of your Facebook page. Facebook places those ads on your page using the information you provide about yourself and what you like. Advertisers can target their ads effectively because of the information Facebook collects about its users. It is a win for everybody. Right now I am still experimenting with advertising but the results are promising.

So I’m asking for a like!

So today I’m asking my readers to visit my business Facebook fan page and like it. There isn’t too much their now but I’ll be working on the other features as quickly as I can. Meanwhile, what about your use of Facebook? I would like to know if any readers use the business dimension of Facebook. I’m always looking for resources and ideas. I’ll be sharing my lessons over time as I move forward and I hope you will share as well.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Hansi December 7, 2011, 6:07 pm

    I went to your link, actually liked it, but when I pushed the button, it said i had to log on to my account. I have no account! But I still liked it. Does that count?
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..Dear Hansi

    • Ralph December 8, 2011, 12:08 pm

      You need to have a Facebook account to like anything. One more reason to have a Facebook account. Keeps you from being unimportant.

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