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I have a few flaws.

I am not talking about what others may judge to be my flaws, numerous as those may be. Right now I only want to talk about those behaviors that I recognize as flaws in myself but seem unable to eliminate.

An example is the way that I organize the paper in my life. For example, I am completely unable to file things. If I create a file folder (either a paper file or in the computer) and store the item, two months later I can’t find it. As a result I make piles of things on my desk, on book shelves, in baskets and when I need something I go through them until I find it. It’s a workable system and maybe if I were single I wouldn’t view it as a problem or a flaw to be fixed. My wife is organized, tidy and able to throw any object that gets in the way under the bus. Without her example, I might never have decided that my system is flawed. But with her continued comments on my system, I am able to understand how inefficient and unattractive my system is.

My difficulty is changing myself. I now have paper folders for each category of expense during the year and once my bills are paid, they go into the ‘for file’ pile which gets filed periodically. Bills yet to be paid go into the ‘to be paid’ pile and then move to the ‘for filing’ pile.

So there is a kind of organized chaos in a portion of my office relating to the bills. It’s the rest of the paper is beyond my control. This means such things as recipes, articles, garden ideas, catalogs. Things that I would like to keep but have no idea how to organize.

In the back of my head I keep thinking that maybe Leo or Manfred has the solution but who has the time to search for it. I am too busy looking for that article on blogging.

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  • Long Huynh September 4, 2009, 11:57 am

    Ha ha … we are two-of-a-kind. I have the same flaw and a wife similar to yours, although it bothers her more than me. One day I am going to get rid of all these piles of paper. That was said more than 30 years ago.

  • Ralph September 4, 2009, 3:08 pm

    Long, You arn’t helping me one bit. But its good to hear from you again. Time to check your website.

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