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Healthy Aging- What’s new with Alzheimers?

Studying Alzheimer's disease at the APS

Image by Argonne National Laboratory via Flickr

There is some new information about Alzheimer’s.  Nobody has a cure or even a sure way to keep your brain healthy but there are some promising ideas that may help you now and will lead to research into new treatments in the future.

Some studies suggest that you are more at risk if your mother had Alzheimer’s than your father.  It’s not a definitive study but it suggests that the genetic properties that lead to Alzheimer’s are passed from your mother and not your father.  There isn’t much you can do about your birth now but it might help you assess your chances of getting Alzheimer’s and your efforts to stay healthy.

One thing that may help keep Alzheimer’s at bay is moderate alcohol consumption.  A recent study showed that moderate drinkers developed Alzheimer’s at a lower frequency that heavy drinkers or non-drinkers.

Finally, research suggests that the amyloid substance that builds the placqe in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s is created in the liver.  New studies are looking the find ways to stop the production of those anyloids in the liver or prevent their transport to the brain.

For now, a good diet and exercise program along with mental stimulation seems the best defense against Alzheimer’s.

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  • Bill Murney March 15, 2011, 9:31 am

    Ralph, your posts on healthy living are always encouraging to me. I always seem to be in step with your recommendations e.g. exercise and diet.

    Now you are saying moderate alcohol consumption helps to keep Alzheimers at bay. That’s great news as I drink in moderation many times a day, does that count?

    Ashton-under-the-influence, UK
    Bill Murney’s last Blog Post ..Robin Hood Tax

  • Ralph March 15, 2011, 9:43 am

    You seem to be the poster boy for healthy aging. Power on!

  • Hansi March 16, 2011, 6:06 am

    Yea Ralph. Another luscious thing I can add to “healthy” living…booze. But the list is growing too long, what with: red wine for my heart, chocolate for anti-oxidants, naps, zinc and sex for the prostrate etc etc, I forgot all the rest. Seems like the key to the ‘good life’ is being a wee bit bad 🙂
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..The Repeat Offender

    • Ralph March 16, 2011, 6:12 am

      What’s good about Alzheimers is that you can forget all the rest. I do think that you have captured a hidden truth here about health. Good Health means being a little bit bad. Way to go, Hansi!

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