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Evil Retirement Lifestyle Design on Vacation

On The Beach

On the Beach

The whole idea for taking vacations Is to break habitual behaviors, mindless routines and rigid thinking- at least that’s the way I see it. So for the

Beautiful Lake Tahoe Beach

On the beach at Lake Tahoe. March 2011

Carlson family week at Lake Tahoe, the plan was to engage in different activities, see new things and get a new perspective on my evil retirement plan. Then life happened. First, number one son couldn’t make it due to increased work pressure – or so he tells us. Then after an idyllic first day visiting local sights around the lake and planning the week, it started snowing, and snowing….and then snowing some more. Locals and visiting ski buffs were no doubt delighted by this extension of winter skiing into the Spring. I was stopped in my tracks.


I’d done my share of driving in the snow back in my college days. I never bothered with chains or snow tires in those days and never got stuck, even going so far as driving my wife to be from Indiana to Connecticut in a blizzard- an experience which is indelibly stamped on her brain even today. These days I hesitate at such reckless behavior so our plans for ski lessons, snowshoeing and snowmobiling went on hold when the snow started and then wouldn’t stop. I didn’t want to get stranded.

In the snow!

We were cabin bound for three days

Frozen in time.

One night's snowfall at Lake Tahoe

only breaking out to visit a restaurant a few blocks away during a snowstorm which deposited a foot of snow on our car while we ate. All my bluster about being outrageous was exposed. I did take walks around the neighborhood which took me through snow that was several feet deep. Each day the cabin owners came to snowplow us out and clear the path to the hot tub. As it continued to snow, I could see that living in Lake Tahoe is a life of constant action. Let the snow get ahead of you and it is all over. If they wanted us to move out on the appropriate day, they had to be sure that the snow was out of our way.


So the vacation went off the reservation. My plans and intentions were one thing. Reality was another. There are far worse things than being snowbound in a comfortable cabin looking at beautiful Lake Tahoe. I decided not to be frustrated. I brought books that I wanted to read so I took the time to read them. I did some thinking- not deep thinking and I had no epiphanies but asked myself some questions about my goals and plans. I pondered my accomplishments so far and challenged my assumptions.

Snow is everywhere

The picnick table and hot tub

Then I shut it all off and watched the snow build up on the railing.

Good times don’t always follow your plans.

In the end, I’m happy that we went. We had some time to talk and we have the experience to remember . I came back ready to pick up the old routine but with a critical eye about where to spend my time I do think that my vacation reminded me of one important lesson that I had forgotten. Life happens. You can’t control it and quite often just letting the experience take you is better than anything you might have planned. It was a great vacation! Now, back to the evil plan.



{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Hansi March 28, 2011, 7:07 am

    That evil ol’ Nature, seems to have provided a good lesson for you; along with adding to the snow-pack and hopefully ending the drought here in California. Now….we want more Evil!
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..Reefer Madness

    • Ralph March 28, 2011, 7:44 am

      I can personally vouch that the drought is over- not that NoCal wants to share it’s water with SoCal. I did learn a lesson which should have been obvious- Evil works better when hot.

  • Banjo Steve March 28, 2011, 11:46 am

    Hey Ralph, I think that your vacation was actually all part of your evil ways. It was just a different season’s variation of “Bloom where you are planted.”

    Conventional “wisdom” would have you railing about lost $ and about the unfair weather and about Mother Nature’s abusive ambush of your vacation.

    Instead, you did a karate/judo move to just embrace what was and savor the moments/hours/days as they were. And find a way to flourish (Take THAT, conventional society!).

    Can’t get more evil than that!

    Welcome back.

    • Ralph March 28, 2011, 11:49 am

      Banjo Steve,
      I like your take on my vacation.

  • Bryan McHeyzer March 28, 2011, 4:59 pm

    Hey Ralph,
    Welcome back to the land of everyday…..

    Even though your holiday did not go according to plan sounds like you achieved the required result thanks to your attitude.

    I live in the sub-tropics and the photos of all that snow looks sooo …can’t find the word.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Bryan McHeyzer’s last Blog Post ..Comment on List Building Tips by admin

    • Ralph March 29, 2011, 7:07 am

      I hadn’t been in snow for years even though its only 50 miles away. My preference is the tropics as well but being in the snow- and this much snow- was stimulating.

  • Max Bronson March 28, 2011, 5:15 pm

    I like your positive attitude, Ralph. I’m sure I would have had a few choice words to say about the weather. I really do appreciate living here in Auckland, New Zealand where it never snows. I can’t stand the idea of having to wrap up just o go outside my door or down the street. The less clothes, the better.

    I’m glad you were able to find enjoyment in your time away.
    Max Bronson’s last Blog Post ..Why I Changed My Name

    • Ralph March 29, 2011, 7:11 am

      I was anticipating snow and was reasonable prepared for it- even looking forward to it. What surprised me was the amount of new snow. It overwhelmed our ability to get around but even that had some positive benefits.

  • Bill Murney March 29, 2011, 2:04 am

    Looks like you had an interesting time Ralph.

    I have always found that the unexpected normally yields the most exciting experiences. Normal everyday life bores the arse off me and like yourself I too am an avid fan of vacations. When they don’t go to plan, so much the better.

    Ashton-under-Lyne, UK
    Bill Murney’s last Blog Post ..The Most Dangerous Walkway In The World

    • Ralph March 29, 2011, 7:08 am

      You are exactly right. I’ve been a control freak nearly all my life and am finally discovering the exhilaration of the unexpected.

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