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Connecting in Venice

Parla Italiano?

Cell Phones for Italy

Communications are important.  These days it’s hard to imagine life without cellphones.  Not that either my wife or I make or receive many cell phone calls.  It’s  just not our nature. Still when you want to communicate nothing beats your own phone right in your pocket- not to mention all the apps that go with the new phones.

Using our cellphones in Italy would be expensive, however.  You can unlock your phones and purchase sim cards for service in other countries but for this trip  we chose to rent Italian cellphones.  The US based company ships the phones to us before we leave and we send tham back on our return.  The just arrived.  They aren’t smart phones but they will keep us connected in Venice.  The telephone numbers are confusing with city codes and cellular prefixes but I’m sure that will all get worked out.  My big problem is getting my wife to turn hers on.

Give me a call.

011 39 377 305 5128


{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Bill Murney from 'Walks In Tameside' February 28, 2012, 3:48 am

    I agree Ralph it is essential to keep in touch but some folks go to the extreme. The gym I attend is full of people exercising while talking on their mobiles, it’s as if they can’t be unavailable for a hour or so, I wonder if they take them to the tiolet as well.

  • Bob Lowry/Satisfying Retirement February 28, 2012, 6:36 am

    I rented a phone for a trip to Ireland and England a few years ago. It was a tremendous help. We used it to make reservations, get directions to well-hidden B&Bs, and stay in touch with family. In fact, we were in the village of Kong in Western Ireland, the town where the movie :The Quiet Man” was filmed. The phone rang and it was our daughter just checking in….a very nice surprise.
    Bob Lowry/Satisfying Retirement’s last Blog Post ..I’ve Been Twacked! (My Twitter Account Was hacked)

  • Ralph February 28, 2012, 9:42 am

    I wonder about people who can’t stop talking on their phones.

  • Ralph February 28, 2012, 9:44 am

    I am not sure how much we will use the phones for reservations etc since we don’t speak Italian. What I think will be a blessing is to keep track of each other.

  • Hansi March 1, 2012, 7:19 am

    What an experience it could be if ya just left the phones at home. As I recall, we used to get by just fine without em.
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..Done Got Old

  • Ralph March 1, 2012, 1:57 pm

    Just used the phone in Venice to connect with the lady who let us into the apartment. That’s just the start. This Coot is with it.

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