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Are you on track for a health train wreck?


When I talk about a health train wreck,

Photo by Dietrich

I am not thinking about tragic and catastrophic health failures. I am thinking about the ones that creep up on you when you are not paying attention to your life. You know what I mean. You notice that you gained weight. Your muscles are not firm but soft and flabby. Bad nutrition choices starve your body of the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay strong and healthy. Gradual deterioration is often difficult to notice. It is so easy to persuade yourself that the little decisions you make each day don’t have an consequences.


Skipping a visit to the gym or lying at home watching TV instead of taking a walk.

Having that second helping at dinner.

Snacking on candy or chips instead of fruit.

Then, suddenly, all the unseen damage builds to a tipping point and causes a dramatic health failure. Then we call it a health crisis and the damage can extend beyond health to your finances and personal life as well.

Often the train wreck could have been prevented if you had changed some of those small decisions. If you have avoided a health train wreck in your life, is it because you are truly making the right decisions each day? Or is the train wreck around the next bend where you can’t see it? Are little decisions each day taking you closer and closer to that train wreck?

Maybe you have pulled yourself out of a collision course with a health disaster or maybe you know you should make some changes but you just can’t do it. If this hits close to home, leave a comment. It might help someone else from their train wreck.

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