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Aging Health – An Apple a day is still good advice.

Various apples
Image via Wikipedia

Forget the Teacher; Give yourself an apple.

We’ve all heard about apples. They make great gifts for teachers and keep the Doctor from your door. Only old wrecks like me actually remember when Doctor’s made house calls or teachers were softened up by a simple, wholesome snack. You probably think the health impact of apples is equally outdated and useless today. Does anyone actually eat apples these days?

It is still true.

The truth is that apples are full of healthy goodness just as the old tales suggest. They contain vitamin C and healthy fibers that help control cholesterol. But wait, there’s more.

“Increasingly, however, researchers are finding that apples have functional properties well beyond their nutritional value, and many of the goodies are in the juice as well as the flesh. But now comes evidence that apples can keep you mentally sharp as you age. They protect neurons from the cognitive decline that typically accompanies aging; improve nerve-cell communication; and can prevent, halt, and even reverse some signs of Alzheimer’s disease. “

More and more, researchers are finding the properties of phytonutrients and flavinoids that impact health in many ways. The antioxidant properties in apples can help keep you mentally sharp by protecting neurons from the effects of aging, aid nerve cell communications and reverse some signs associated with Alzheimer’s. They don’t know how or what nutrient provides these benefits but two cups of apple juice daily can make a big difference.

Apples help in these ways:

  • reducing free radicals in the nervous system
  • suppressing gene expression for ‘bad’ genes
  • boosting neurotransmitter levels
  • boosting vitamin performance
  • reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms

Eating an apple a day is still good advice and drinking apple juice is a good alternative. Make sure that your diet includes fresh and healthy foods like apples

{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Bob @ JuicyMaters.com October 26, 2010, 6:24 pm

    “More and more, researchers are finding the properties of phytonutrients and flavinoids that impact health in many ways.”

    All true…and all immaterial, thanks to our nanny state federal government and their groveling state level food safety folks.

    Most states, along with the FDA concerning shipment of apple juice across state lines, demand pastuerization of apple juice…and guess what, among other things, pastuerization kills?

    Phytonutrients and flavonoids.

    Don’t let your kid give an apple to the teacher, either. Like apples being a no-no as a halloween hand-out because some kid-hater might have hidden a razor blade inside, the teacher’s apple will probably wind up in the trash.

  • Blanche October 27, 2010, 3:59 am

    Good health article. However, the comment by Bob rings true. Pastuerization changes the apple juice and not for the better.

    Also apples are one of the most chemically sprayed foods. Orgainic is the best kind. It now becomes an expensive treat to give the teacher, especially if it winds up in the trash.

    Ralph you are right apples are one of the best fruits to include for health.

  • Joan October 27, 2010, 5:56 am

    Great article and it reminds us that we don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on healthy living products. We can get what we need from basics.

    I belong to an organic food coop where I get a bin of Texas grown, organic produce every two weeks. I can also have a standing order of anything I want, which for me includes 2 bags of gala apples. I give one to my daughter, who is making her own organic baby food for her 7 month old daughter.

    I agree with Bob that the food industry has way too much power to control what we eat. The FDA says additives like MSG are safe at “acceptable levels” when these additives are poisoning people and causing diseases like Parkinsons. Ditto with pesticides. It’s no accident that instances of neurological disorders are soaring.

    Many of the health problems people have could probably be at least improved by not eating processed foods full of chemicals and additives, which we are told are safe to eat. We eat practically nothing out of a package anymore.

  • Ralph October 27, 2010, 8:34 am

    Evil pasteurization! Guess I’ll just have to eat my apples the old fashioned way or else make my own juice.
    Ralph’s last Blog Post ..Aging Health An Apple a day is still good advice.

  • Ralph October 27, 2010, 8:37 am

    I still think that organic is overkill. I am thinking that a juicer might be a good idea if I want apple juice.
    Ralph’s last Blog Post ..Aging Health An Apple a day is still good advice.

  • Ralph October 27, 2010, 8:41 am

    Getting those baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great idea. I visit the farmer’s market each week but mostly for tomatoes, strawberries,basil an green beans. I made some great peach gelato with the peaches.
    Ralph’s last Blog Post ..60s Nostalgia 8 1/2 Italian movie extravaganza

  • Blanche October 28, 2010, 4:02 am

    I agree that organic or not fruits and vegetables are good to include in your eating plan. However, when produce is imported they can contain pesticides we don’t use in the United States. That is because they may be too toxic. Also, the levels may be higher.

    Local produce is the best bet. Farmer’s markets are a good place to buy fruits and vegetables.

  • Ralph October 28, 2010, 1:26 pm

    I will agree that local produce is the best. And that is based upon taste.
    Ralph’s last Blog Post ..50′s Nostalgia Fat’s Domino

  • Ken Sage October 28, 2010, 7:09 pm

    I love apples and am a true believer that if available; organic produce is always the better choice.
    Ken Sage’s last Blog Post ..Better Man Now

    • Ralph October 29, 2010, 7:36 am

      I have to force myself to eat healthy things like fresh fruit. My bad!

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