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60’s Nostalgia – Meditate with Inagaddadavida by Iron Butterfly

Iron Butterfly – In A Gadda Da Vida (17Min)
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There was so much going on in pop music in the 60’s it is hard to focus and certainly hard to say that any one group or song stands out as the best. I won’t even try. What I do know is that certain songs evoke my 60’s experience and remain etched in my memory. The late 60’s was full of psychedelic silliness that worshiped the drug culture of the time but Iron Butterfly captured the mood in a way that still grabs me today. Inagaddadavida is timeless.

It has a bit of the Indian music flavor popular in the late 60’s with a relentless droning rif played in various ways throughout 17 minute song. The lyrics are mindless more like a chant where the sounds and not the words matter. It is not so much a song as a meditation with the hypnotic droning pushing you deeper and deeper into introspection while the voices, guitars and drums call you back to focus from time to time. No drugs needed although the smell of marijuana may flit through your imagination when you finally settle in for the ride. Unlike the forgettable psychedelic albums by the Stones and the Beatles, you can still enjoy Inagaddadavida because it is music that touches emotions. No drugs required.

If you lived through the 60’s, you remember Inagaddadavida. If you are too young, maybe you know it and maybe not. Whatever your experience give yourself a break today. Take 17 minutes and experience a musical meditation.

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