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Getting Organized with a Farmer’s list

I’m still struggling to get control of my time after retiring last month.  That beautiful forty hours each week freed up with that decision somehow haven’t converted into additional productivity.  It seems like, instead of getting more done, I am actually getting less done.

Right now my challenge is getting a rhythm and a pattern going that makes sure that I get basic things done each day and move forward on the things that will make me some money.  I am putting in the time but I am sure that I could be managing much better.

For example, I dithered today trying to find a way to sync my windows mobile phone with a web based calendar like Google or Thunderbird.  There doesn’t seem to be anything.  I would probably have used my time better to just enter my appointments both places and forget about it but I keep thinking that there has to be something.  So that is just one example of how time gets wasted.

It is always better when I find a solution from one of the clear thinkers on the web.  Today it is Chris Brogan with his post on a farmer’s list.  Put simply, a farmer’s list is those tasks that must be done every day or else.  Farmers don’t have the luxury of postponing tasks.  Milking has to be done every day or the cows stop giving milk.  You can’t put off harvesting wheat or it shatters and falls to the ground. So Chris uses a farmer to help understand what kind of tasks need to be on the list.  He gives his list – and it is a good one.  I would like to say that I am doing everything on his list but I am not Chris Brogan – at least not yet.

So for today this is my list:

  1. Blog Post up for today.
  2. Draft tomorrow’s blog post.
  3. Check emails and respond.
  4. Read 30 minutes or more.
  5. Respond to blog comments.
  6. Check my blog follow list and comment when possible
  7. Work on income producing projects.

It is not as good as Chris’, but it does include everything that I know I have to get done each day.  When I get this list under my belt then maybe I can add more.

What does your Farmer’s List look like?

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Rose January 23, 2010, 2:24 pm

    I don’t have a list, but I should as I’m not getting nearly enough done. Too much social life.
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..Alexa Ranking Explained =-.

  • Ralph January 23, 2010, 2:36 pm

    Don’t knock social life, just make it part of your list. BTW I don’t understand Alexa so it’s quite convenient that you dropped by.

  • Walter January 24, 2010, 10:14 pm

    Great things start from small beginnings. You have a good list Ralph, just be sure to be dedicated on it. Doing somethings everyday (however small) that will lead us to our goals is likely to result in succeess. 🙂

  • Ralph January 25, 2010, 9:12 am

    thanks. I’ve got the small beginnings down. Now to move along.

  • Dave Doolin January 26, 2010, 8:57 am


    Consider inverting this to work on income producing products first. These are your best long term potential assets.

    I do it by dedicating my first hour every morning to work only on stuff I intend to sell. It’s slow progress, but progress in inches is still progress.

    Look up Tony Schwarz for information on building habits. His stuff works if you follow his method.
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..Happy Anniversary! Website In A Weekend is 1 Year Old =-.

    • Ralph January 26, 2010, 10:01 am

      Good catch. I gave all my thought to the list and not one second to the priority for each of them. I guess I was thinking that these are things that I should be doing each day so the order doesn’t matter.

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