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Be a Star:Boost yourself before you can boost others

Movie Star (song)

Image via Wikipedia

Are you talking to me?

It all started over a year ago when a speaker told me that I have to be the star of my life. This was before I retired and changed my focus on life from working to living an outrageous retirement lifestyle. Despite taking that statement to heart, it was hard to put that idea into practice then and even today.. It is so hard to overcome the years of denying myself because I thought that being the star was selfish. What I was missing is that unless I star in my own life, I can’t make a difference for anybody else. If you aren’t a leader in your own life, nobody else will follow you.

You can’t have success without an ego!

There is nothing wrong with a little ego because unless I take care of myself, there is nothing that I offer to others. It is like the message you hear on airplanes about fixing your own oxygen mask before you help anybody else. If you aren’t fully supplied with oxygen you can’t be anything but a burden no matter how much you want to help. If I don’t do everything I can to make myself the best person I can be and the star of my own show, then I won’t be able to help others.

If I’m a star, it’s not about making myself important to satisfy my ego. I’m a star to be effective in my business and personal life, neither of which is possible by myself. I’m a star because I give myself the respect and support I need to make my life spectacular.

It’s time to step up!

I was brought up to be modest, and not to toot my own horn but I am learning that unassuming modesty is a handicap and a ticket to oblivion. In in the homestretch of my life and time is wasting. It’s time for me to be the star of my retirement lifestyle.



{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Judy Kraus February 25, 2011, 4:06 pm

    John L Lewis quote “He who tootheth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted”

  • Bryan McHeyzer February 25, 2011, 11:32 pm

    Hi Ralph,
    Always look after number 1 …
    Everything we do we do for selfish reasons.

    Took me a while to come to terms with this ….

    but when analised it is so true.

    Even when helping others we do it because it makes us feel good.

    Great post.
    Bryan McHeyzer’s last Blog Post ..Comment on Start the New Year With a Plan by Jon

    • Ralph February 26, 2011, 6:58 am

      I don’t think it is fair to say that everything is selfish. There is a big difference between the person with the high opinion of himself and a low opinion of others and someone who respects his own talents and wants to help others.

      • Bryan McHeyzer February 26, 2011, 11:46 pm

        Hey Ralph,

        I do agree that there is a difference between these types of people… but then it is their attitudes that are different.
        They are still doing it firstly for themselves.

        Bryan McHeyzer’s last Blog Post ..Comment on Why Backlink by Bryan McHeyzer

        • Ralph February 27, 2011, 7:29 am

          Those attitudes make a night and day difference.

  • Hansi February 26, 2011, 7:26 am

    Ralph….What do you do when you have a Co-Star in your life…aka Wife?
    Hansi’s last Blog Post ..The Tea Party

    • Ralph February 26, 2011, 7:32 am

      She has her own life. She will never be the star of yours but if you are a star you can be a better support.

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